My tenth hour of driving lessons is over, and I am pleased with my progress. It takes a surprising amount out of you driving around, it is possible that because I am quite tense while driving I am making it worse for myself, I am relaxing more. My steering has improved and I am more or less getting everything done. That is not to say that I am not making mistakes - I am making a lot of mistakes - but that is okay mistakes are part of the process.

Today I drove from part of Hove (not quite sure which part) over to Woodingdean, we did some loops in both places to get use to using junctions before heading home via the A259 again. I am still struggling with “panic” when something doesn’t go right, my mind went blank a couple of times when I was coming up to a junction. Kev went through the Mirror-Signal-Manoeuvre-Position-Speed-Look procedure again which is a really good procedure for any hazard including junctions (yes, i do feel that anything that isn’t a straight road is a hazard).

The procedure makes much more sense in a car than on paper, however this is my attempt at getting it down:

  1. Mirror – check internal and the mirror on the side you are turning to
  2. Signal – let the people around you know what you are doing with your indicators
  3. Manoeuvre – make the move, this is split down in the three more steps
  4. Position – Move the vehicle into a position to complete the manoeuvre in plenty of time
  5. Speed – check your speed you should be moving at below 10mph and thus be in first gear
  6. Look – look to make sure it safe

Again this is my own inexperienced understanding of what I have been taught, it is not meant to be instructional if you disagree please do post a comment (giving reasons rather than random abuse would be appreciated).

I am still enjoying it, I was particuarly pleased that Kev was happy to let me drive from Hove to Peacehaven. We are moving on to making turns in the road. I shall post back next week when I have had my next lesson.