Something Scarey

I saw something scarey today, it was a man having his head sawn off by al-Queda militants… the mans name is Nick Berg, I know many people have seen this video, many people have told me different things about the video some thought it was faked some thought it was real. I wanted to see for my self. Through the shield the media places in front of us i saw what happens when people get so enraged they kill another human being....

May 12, 2004 · 1 min

Insanely Hard Game

I found this game called Balm, the plot is you have to rid a computer core of a virus, essentialy what you have are green discs (you) and red discs (computer). Each disc has a single tab on it which connects it to any other discs if that tab comes into contact with any other disc that is not of its colour the disc changes color to your colour, and follows any path from there....

February 11, 2004 · 1 min

Kings of Chaos - Age 3 Beta

Kings of Chaos is a web based Masivly Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG), create your army of Elves, Dwarfs, Humans or Orcs, build up your army to someday rule over all Chaos. I ended Age 2 at a rank of 28,490 before I sold all of my weapons to upgrade to Level 10 spies and retrain all of my Soldiers to Spies… not a fantastic rank, but I had only been playing half way through the age....

February 8, 2004 · 1 min


I found two googlewhacks today! dyspraxic tiramisu omniscient taramasalata Of course by putting them on my website like this they are no longer going to be Googlewhacks. If you don’t know what a Googlewhack is, it is two words from that when searched for on it returns only one result. The result cant be a list, it must be something someone has actually typed… they usualy seem to be blogs actually, so maybe I am a googlewhack too!...

February 6, 2004 · 1 min